Housekeeping 1 June 2020

Those of you following my different blogs on e-Blogger and Facebook the last few months will know - housework was never my forte.

Jeff passing in the middle of lockdown with no maid available, has emphasised my lack of skills at having to do housework. I am not even talking about the nightmare of the vacuum cleaner, but of sorting out his 70 years of hording. <sigh!!>

Jeff died two weeks ago so I decided time to tackle his drawers and cupboards - give away what I can to friends, keep for the kids what they may want to have and give the rest to the church for their jumble sale once a month towards supporting abused women and children. Will hang my clothes in place of his.

I ask you with tears in my baby-blue eyes - 10 military hankies - he never used, 8 stress balls - just in case he could not get more to strengthen his arteries for dialysis. 7 packets of military shoe laces - on pension he only wore sandals, new pants with the price tags still attached and shorts he hardly ever wore. We will not even count the number of socks which he only wore with shoes when on door duty once every six weeks at the church etc etc.

Do you think it's pay-back because I gave him a hard time? 😝😝

His famous words were 'you never listen to me'. ja ne, you wanted to marry a girl who thought the Cosmopolitan magazine was the bible for independent women, sex and controlling men.
However the gap he left in my heart is filled with pain - and I'd much rather have him back and just ignore all his over filled drawers and cupboards and listen to everything he wants - than loose him like I did. Ja ne.


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